Updates to Reopening Protocol for Gyms and Fitness Establishments

Thanks to our partnership with Clarity Co. Consulting, we are staying compliant with the health orders from the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health.

Effective as of Friday, June 12, 2020

Recent updates:


Updated to include a description of the steps that the Department of Public Health will take if the employer reports a cluster of positive cases


Patrons are required to wear cloth face coverings and gloves the entire time they are at the facility except when they are in the pool or in the shower. Patrons must be warned to only do exercises to the extent they can breathe comfortably while wearing a face covering over both their nose and mouth at all times. (Face masks or coverings with one-way valves are not permitted.) Signage must be posted to notify patrons of this new requirement and to caution them about overexerting themselves while wearing a face covering and exercising.


Where possible, do not clean floors by sweeping or other methods that can disperse pathogens into the air. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter wherever possible

Click here to see full protocols

Read the MNRDF Standard for your health and safety